How Do You Form Complex Concrete Shapes Economically?

Vertical Horizontal Bridge Support
Vertical Horizontal Bridge Support

The construction of the elevated Dulles Airport access road called for a complex shaped bridge support structure that could not be economically formed with wood or steel so the contractor turned to Universal Foam Products to produce the shape using our light weight EPS Form Liners. This allowed the contractor to use their straight forms with the EPS form liners providing the more complex contours. The form liners ere produced using EPS15 Geofoam, weighing less than 1 lb per cubic foot and having a compression strength of 3.6 psi @ 1% deformation.

First the precut forms were laid out on the ground to make sure everything lined up properly. While this we being done the structural forms were being erected in place. After the EPS form liners were installed and covered with formboard the rebar was installed. Finally, the concrete was installed and finished.

Universal Foam Product’s EPS form liners are used for vertical and horizontal bridge supports as well as bridge window block-outs and decorative panels. Our patent pending design makes connecting the lightweight form liners to structural panels fast and economical. Let us look at your next project and see if we can offer a more economical alternative to what you have been doing.

Light Weight EPS Forms
Light Weight EPS Forms
Custom Shape Construction
Custom Shape Construction
Bridge Support Structure
Bridge Support Structure
Vertical Horizontal Bridge Support
Vertical Horizontal Bridge Support

“Thank you for doing such a great job at getting our foam here on time and at a great price.”