Over 60,000 Cubic Feet of EPS29 Geofoam Was Used as Fill Material

Project in Louisiana
Project in Louisiana
60,000 cubic feet of EPS29 Geofoam
60,000 cubic feet of EPS29 Geofoam
36” x 48” x 96” Geofoam Blocks
36” x 48” x 96” Geofoam Blocks

Over 60,000 cubic feet of EPS29 Geofoam was used on this project in Louisiana in place of other fill material due to the very poor soil conditions. The 36” x 48” x 96” geofoam blocks were placed behind the water retention wall and then backfill was placed on the blocks to stabilize the site.

“You guys were great to work with and I was very satisfied with the work you have done.”