This well built floating dock and swim platform was constructed using pressure treated lumber and blocks of expanded polystyrene for flotation. Under the main platform are 4 blocks of expanded polystyrene 36 inches x 48 inches x 20 inch thick, weighing just one pound per cubic foot. The entry docks have 4 blocks 24 inch x 36 inch x 18” thick. Here is the owners description of the project.
“In order to protect from possible incursion from muskrat infestation, I wrapped the eight foam cubes with 6 mil plastic and surrounded the two dock sections in 3' wide, 1" mesh landscape screening. The three piece dock, 12' X 12' - 6' X 8' and 4' X 4' sections are articulated as we have a varying pond level depending on the amount and volume of rain. The dock is attached at the dam end to two 5' double welded sections of rebar topped with an eye and each of the floating sections are secured to the dam by 1/2" polypropylene line attached also to two 5' double welded sections of rebar that have been sunk into the dam.”
EPS is used for flotation inside commercial encapsulated floats as well as unencapsulated floats on private ponds and lakes. Weighing less than one pound per cubic foot, a 12 inch x 12 inch x 12” block of
EPS will float 60 pounds. Contact Universal Foam Products (www.univfoam.com) for help in the design of your floating dock or swim platform.