Dow STYROFOAM Brand Foam Blue Board
Dow STYROFOAM Brand Foam Blue Board

Styrofoam Brand Foam by DuPont (formerly Dow Chemical), typically referred to as "blue board" is the best known extruded polystyrene insulation on the market today. Manufactured by Dupont, Styrofoam Brand Foam is available in a variety of thicknesses in both 24" x 96" and 48" x 96" dimensions. STYROFOAM Brand Foam products are available in compression strengths ranging from 15 psi up to 100 psi for different applications and a wide range of R-Values.

Universal Foam Products supplies both EPS and STYROFOAM Brand Foam XPS products.

Insulating a shipping container
Insulating a shipping container

Available Sizes

Dow Styrofoam Specifications
Compression Strength Thickness 24" x 96" 48" x 96"
STYROFOAM Brand Square Edge Insulation 25 psi @ 10% Compression 3/4", 1", 1-1/2", 2", 2-1/2", 3"
STYROFOAM Brand HIGHLOAD 40 Insulation 40 psi @ 5% Compression 2", 3"
STYROFOAM Brand HIGHLOAD 60 Insulation 60 psi @ 5% Compression 2", 3"
STYROFOAM Brand HIGHLOAD 100 Insulation 100 psi @ 5% Compression 2"

What’s the difference between Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) and STYROFOAM Brand Foam (XPS)?

There are quite a few differences bewteen the two products, and EPS is often mistakenly referred to as "Styrofoam."

Read our article where we explain the difference between EPS and STYROFOAM.

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